August 26, 2011

When Babies attack.

So my daughter decided it would be awesome to poke me in the eye. After she had been up all night slept 3 hours then woke up wide awake..While I  try to sleep a bit and let her play on the floor. She gets up on the bed I literally open my eyes STAB. Yep good times.  I am in pain and cannot open either of my eyes tears pouring down my face I finally open my eyes to see her looking at me weirdly and starts to smile. I am completely freaking out. I get up look in the mirror see blood... "Shoot me in the face I am going to be a bloody pirate! Eye patch here I come... " I call my mom she gets here get us ready and off we go..

She takes me to a walk in clinic. I did not wait long and then my Doctor walks in. He was my maternity doctor. Dr. Mourai I love him.. He has such dry humor.. It gets me everytime. He puts some numbing drops in my eye. Then some dye and shines a light. No hard core scratch on the retina but it was hella close. I was lucky! The whole time I was sitting there and thinking this man has had his hand up my va lay ho.. It made my day.. heheh man. He told me I was looking good ..Yay. What a day.. This is also the first time baby will be away for 2 days. I am kinda not ready but am. I have a ton of shit to do too.

One of my friends from my Value Village days ask to paint her a painting. I am excited.. She wants me to paint her wonder woman. I am really excited for it really. I would have never painted her. She wants a frame and everything. The one I have is 12x24. Its probably my favorite size to paint. So it makes it easier. I am going to sketch out examples for her.

August 25, 2011

 I have been crazy busy lately! Trying to get everything done is crazy. I need to keep up with this blog.. I have done a lot of new paintings the last few weeks.  I did Breast Fest which ended up being a bust! The organizer totally did not advertise as much as he should let alone it was on a bad weekend... Warped tour other shows and Festivals.. It was all just blah. i made like $30 off of Little old ladies buy my Eye Glass keeper on-ers. I hope I have a table at another festival but I have not heard back ...But It should be better due to paying for a table and not just showing up.. So Paintings.. I painted Snow White awhile ago. I love her. She is 16x 20. Nacho man was from my childhood. So I had to paint him ..He is 18x24 and even had a theme song.. I wish I could get them both a nice big gold frames.

This loverly lady I painted for my Dad for his Birthday.. Its a Blind Faith album cover. Its something I always remembered seeing as a kid.. Plus he really likes it.. I think I officially made my Papa proud. He keeps hounding me to set up my Google+ I just might tonight.   
I painted this one last week I am in love with her shes 8x10 but still great!!! Now I am off to eat hella late. Im starving after my 45 mins of roller skating.. Woot.