March 11, 2011

I went to Michaels Craft store today. I have been painting a lot lately and have gotten the art bug back. I got a set of brushes that are awesome and around 25 acrylic colors. I wish I could afford  Golden products man.. There paint is thinner and super bright. But 10 bucks a tube.. Maybe I will buy 2 tubes a payday. I dunno I want to go Opus Arts since they have a bigger selection once I get more money. I also go 7 stretched canvas super cheap. Go 40% off coupon. I cannot wait for the summer so I can paint on the deck. Have Olivia out there just enjoying outside.

It will be nice to be able to have picnics and play in the park with her. She will be 9 months in August.  Its so crazy tomorrow shes going to be 4 months. It feels like yesterday I was huge and pregnant with sore hips. She has been off today just not in a good mood. She has her freak out moments but shes not her happy bouncy self today. I can feel one tooth coming in. It must hurt  her a lot. I might give her an ice cube to suck on.

So this week I am trying not to over do the junk food. I am on weight watchers. I always eat with in my points its just I 2 bit it to death with junk. I have a good breakfast 1 egg grapes toast with margarine and water. Or a bowl of cereal with Banana. My lunch I dunno sometimes my breakfast is my lunch. My dinners are always good Stir fry with a protein sometimes with cheese. Its my late night eat that sucks. Since I am nursing I need to eat right before bed so I am not starving during her first feed. That is where the Junk comes in. I have Weight watcher bars. Ice cream popcycles. Thinsations, meringue cookies. Ill have like 13 points left and since those are all around 2-4 points I can have a junk fest before bed. I am starting to buy more healthier junk like fancy yogurt and nuts. It still feels like I get my fix but its not as much. I eat a ton of fruit since I LOVE SUGAR. Man its an addiction.

I asked my team leader Rochelle to look at my food journal every week so I am accountable to someone. It helps. I hope this week I lose something. Last week I did not gain or loose. Bah. So lame. Oh wells. I just want to be down the 80Lbs by October.

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